.. _admin-plugins-maxmind-acl: MaxMind ACL Plugin ****************** .. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. This remap plugin provides allow and deny functionality based on the libmaxminddb library and GeoIP2 databases (mmdb format). It requires libmaxminddb to run and the associated development headers in order to build. You can find a sample mmdb-lite database on the maxmind website or provide your own. You must provide a database for any usages and specify it in the configuration file as shown below. Configuration ============= The plugin takes a single pparam which is the location of the configuration yaml file. This can either be relative to the ATS configuration directory or an absolute path :: map http://example.com/music http://music.example.com @plugin=maxmind_acl.so @pparam=maxmind.yaml An example configuration :: maxmind: database: GeoIP2-City.mmdb html: deny.html allow: country: - US ip: - - deny: country: - DE ip: - regex: - [US, ".*\\.txt"] # Because these get parsed you must escape the escape of the ``.`` in order to have it be escaped in the regex, resulting in ".*\.txt" - [US, ".*\\.mp3"] In order to load an updated configuration while ATS is running you will have to touch or modify the remap.config file in order to initiate a plugin reload to pull in any changes. Rules ===== You can mix and match the allow rules and deny rules, however deny rules will always take precedence so in the above case ```` would be denied. The IP rules can take either single IPs or cidr formatted rules. It will also accept IPv6 IP and ranges. The regex portion can be added to both the allow and deny sections for creating allowable or deniable regexes. Each regex takes a country code first and a regex second. In the above example all requests from the US would be allowed except for those on ``txt`` and ``mp3`` files. More rules should be added as pairs, not as additions to existing lists. Currently the only rules available are ``country``, ``ip``, and ``regex``, though more can easily be added if needed. Each config file does require a top level ``maxmind`` entry as well as a ``database`` entry for the IP lookups. You can supply a separate database for each remap used in case you use custom ones and have specific needs per remap. One other thing to note. You can reverse the logic of the plugin, so that it will default to always allowing if you do not supply any ``allow`` rules. In the case you supply no allow rules all connections will be allowed through except those that fall in to any of the deny rule lists. In the above example the rule of denying ``DE`` would be a noop because there are allow rules set, so by default everything is blocked unless it is explicitly in an allow rule. However in this case the regexes would still apply since they are based on an allowable country. Optional ======== There is an optional ``html`` field which takes a html file that will be used as the body of the response for any denied requests if you wish to use a custom one.